About Us

We are Indonesian MikroTik Addict
Certifications : MTCNA #1111NA064, MTCRE #1112RE039, 
Certified Trainer #TR0156
Phone: Jakarta 021-5114 5751, Semarang, (024)70409666
email : training[at]id-networkers.com


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. kalau ada traning di kota solo tolong share ya...

  3. Dear Sir,

    I have 2 Broadband each 4MB merged with Mikrotik 3.20 configured as Hotspot and PCC Loadbalancing.

    The problem is sometimes 1st or 2nd WAN atomically get restarted and all the hotspot active users complain about disconnection their internet disconnection for at least 10 seconds.

    Can you help me that all the active users dont get this problem even a single WAN is stable.

    I really need your help asap.

    Waiting for reply if any detail required to solve my issue.
